Created 19-Feb-12
Hoop in Lubumbashi
Teen die draai van die eeu het ons kerk betrokke geraak by die finansiële ondersteuning van ‘n gereformeerde gemeente in Lubumbashi in die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo (DRK), nadat die predikant en vier ander uit Lubumbashi hul teologiese opleiding in Suid-Afrika voltooi het. Kort daarna het ‘n kollega, Jeff Rosser, die boek “King Leopold’s Ghost” aan my geleen. Dit handel oor Koning Leopold van België en hoe hy hom vergryp het aan die mense en skatte van die Kongo. Die feit dat ‘n Europese land sóveel lyding in Sentraal-Afrika kon veroorsaak terwyl die staatskerk ‘n stille getuie daarvan was, het my gemotiveer om my gawe van fotografie te gebruik om die verbetering van lewenskwaliteit van die mense van Lubumbashi na te streef. Trouens, dit was juis deur die getuienis van ‘n paar Protestantse sendelinge, ondersteun deur foto’s geneem met die eerste gebruikers-kamera’s, dat die wêreld begin verstaan het in watter mate Koning Leopold Sentraal-Afrika geplunder en sy mense laat vermink en vermoor het. Só kon verandering intree. Klik op om dié eBoek te kry.

Hope in Lubumbashi
Around the recent turn of the century, our church became involved in the financial support of a reverend of the Reformed Church of the Congo (DRC) after he had completed his training (with four others) in South Africa. Subsequently, a colleague, Jeff Rosser, lent me the book about King Leopold of Belgium and his rape of the Congo region. The fact that a European country caused such misery in central Africa, while the state church was a silent witness, motivated me to use my gift of photography to pursue the improvement of the quality of life of the people of the DRC. In fact, it was partly through the witness of a few protestant missionaries, supported by photographs taken with the first basic cameras that were commercially available at the turn of the previous century, that the world was made aware of King Leopold’s rape of Central Africa, and change was initiated. Click on to get this eBook.

Lubumbashi Hope eBook

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